Range safety & flight safety
With our long-range Doppler tracking radars, range safety operators can monitor rockets of all types – pre-launch, during launch and post-launch.

Monitor rockets with precision
Whether you need to monitor rockets for manned space missions or for launching satellites or supplies to space stations, our long-range Doppler tracking radars provide the data you need pre-launch, during launch and post-launch.
Our monitoring equipment forms a vital part of the safety procedure, with real-time TSPI data being sent continuously to the range flight safety system. The rocket can be tracked during the launch and early operations phases, allowing you to see when the rocket has reached nominal orbit.
Tracking radars can also be used for locating spacecraft and determining their actual orbits following a non-nominal launch. With our range and flight safety radars, you are not limited to daytime launches. The rocket can be monitored with equal precision in darkness as in daylight.
Weibel was part of the NASA team that launched New Horizons, the space probe to Pluto. The launch was monitored by two Weibel Doppler radars – the largest of their kind and the same kind that the Italian Space Surveillance and Tracking Operation Center, under the auspices of the Italian Air Force, used to successfully track an object returning from space in 2020.
Enhancing astronaut safety with NASA
One of our longest and closest partnerships is with NASA, with whom Weibel has been working closely since 2004. Our radars have been securing the safety of astronauts onboard NASA space shuttles since 2005.