Delivery of a 39dB tracking radar to Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division
June 30, 2020
NSWCDD’s mission is to provide the military with testing and certification by utilizing its Potomac River Test Range in Dahlgren. The latest delivery of a 39 dB tracking radar is just the most recent order finalized by Weibel in the long history of successful cooperation between Weibel and NSWCDD.
“We started our partnership in the late 80’s and built a foundation for the long standing and close relationship we still honor with the latest delivery. We believe in close bonds and focus on our customers – just like with our old friends at Dahlgren,” says Finn Kobberø, Sales Director at Weibel who has been working together with Dahlgren since the beginning.
Weibel’s 39 dB lightweight tracking radar is part of our popular X-Band Doppler range instrumentation radar family spanning from the smaller 33 dB version up to 45 dB versions. To date, Weibel has delivered more than 200 tracking radars for worldwide deployment.