Our critical mission
is to support you
All the maintenance, upgrade and repair services you need for the full lifetime of your radar systems.

Here when you need us
The life-time of a Weibel radar is often more than 20 years. As the radar systems fulfil vital security and safety functions, it is critical that they perform optimally throughout their lifetime.
When you purchase a Weibel radar system, we will do our utmost to ensure that you have made a smart, long-term investment in advanced technology, excellent performance, and superior service. That’s why we are committed to providing a high-quality, long-term after-sales support to all our customers’ needs.
We offer a full range of maintenance, upgrade and repair and training services to ensure that your radar systems run optimally for as long as you need them to.
Service at Weibel
Our commitment to providing the world’s best radar systems doesn’t stop on the day of delivery. Weibel offers a full range of maintenance, upgrade and repair services to ensure that your radar systems optimally perform for as long as you need them.
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Still looking for something?
Contact us for specific details on our comprehensive training plans.