Drone detection
Next-generation drone detection radars to detect, track and classify low, slow and small targets over long distances.

Detect drones in all conditions
Detection of drones is an essential security function in many vital situations – such as critical infrastructure protection, monitoring of mobile perimeters and borders, and unmanned traffic management (UTM) systems.
With the XENTA-C product family, Weibel offers a new generation of X-Band CW-FMCW Counter-UAV drone detection radars specifically designed to meet the challenging requirements necessary for successful CUAS detection, tracking, and classification of low, slow and small (LSS) targets, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).
If you are a interested in the military mil. spec. variant of the drone detection radar with IFF support, stop-and-stare etc. then take a look at our XENTA-M SHORAD radars for Ground Based Air Defence.
Weibel XENTA C-UAS Radar Solutions
Weibel XENTA C-UAS radar for long-range detection, tracking and classification of drones
Drone detection technology
Using frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar processing, the digital-array 3D X-Band XENTA radars are based on our proven expertise in advanced CW Doppler radar technologies. The drone detection radar detects and tracks even the smallest micro drones at long distance.
Advanced processing means that accurate data is obtained under high-clutter environments such as rain/atmospheric, birds, and other effects such as sand and sea.
Real-time situational awareness and decision-making
Weibel’s drone detection radar provides situational awareness information to central control or unmanned traffic management (UTM) systems, which supports operators with operational control and decision-making.
Using an ASTERIX digital data interface, the radar provides real-time track information, including 3D position and velocity data, status reports and target information at high data-rate and with minimal latency.
Flexible to your needs
Our drone detection radars are available with different transmitter output powers, depending on your specific range requirements. UAV-detection and classification os small drones will be possible at ranges of up to 5 km and 10 km for low-power and high-power systems respectively.

XENTA Drone Detection Radar Characteristics
- X-Band 3D digital-array radar technology
- XENTA-C1 low-power or XENTA-C3 high-power
- Flexible Transmit Power
- FMCW/CW transmission
- Detection optimized for LSS (UAV/UAS) targets
- LSS target classification
- Very low false track rate
- 360-degree detection with high update rate
- 30 degree elevation coverage
- High track accuracy
- High reliability through high mean time between failures (MTBF) and low mean time to repair (MTTR)
- ASTERIX interface for integration to C2 systems
Find out more about XENTA-C line drone detection radars
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