Short Range Air Defense
We offer compact, lightweight radars for Short Range Air Defense and Very Short Range Air Defense (SHORAD).

Continuous, accurate air situational awareness
XENTA-M radars are ideal for ground-based air defense (GBAD).
Using advanced sensor and signal processing capabilities, our XENTA-M SHORAD radar family offers precise target detection and comprehensive situational awareness of all types of air targets –from low, slow and small (LSS) targets to helo, general air, fighters and missiles.
This highly effective GBAD radar sensor can be mounted on suitable vehicles, semi-mobile or fixed installations. With 360-degree azimuth by 60-degree elevation coverage, it provides operators reliable early warning capabilities and the ability to detect and track multiple targets simultaneously.
Multiple air-target types
The XENTA-M is a state of the art X-Band FMCW sensor system, developed for high-performance 3D air surveillance of all types of aerial threats.
The XENTA-M radar is capable of simultaneously detecting, tracking, and classifying all types of aerial threats, both fast moving as well as Low- Slow-Small (LSS) targets. The XENTA-M is easily integrated on both fixed and mobile platforms.

Weibel drone detection radars provide range, altitude, bearing and target classification of targets within an instrumented range of 75 kilometers.
Protecting military infrastructure
Our XENTA-M X-Band SHORAD radars are typically used for air surveillance with regards to military critical infrastructure protection or as a sensor in ground-based air defense systems (GBADs). Designed specifically for air defense purposes, the system can be used as an organic sensor on any air defense platform.
The primary characteristics of XENTA are continuous target illumination within its field of view, an electronically controlled transmit beam, and 3D digital-array technology utilizing synthetic receiver beamforming. This technology gives an instant target update within all receive-beams in the field of view, removing the need for time-consuming beam scanning.
The increased illumination time (time-on-target), and flexibility of the synthetic beamforming, results in increased detection ranges in complex clutter environments, and operational flexibility.
Rapid decision-making
The system allows track data, including 3D position and velocity, to be reported to interface partners at a high data rate with minimal latency. The comprehensive situational awareness delivered by the XENTA-M radars improves tactical processing, decision making and target engagement.
If your interest is primarily that of drone detection and surveillance then you may want to take a look at our civilian version XENTA-C Drone Detection Radars for critical infrastructure protection, border control and more.